Monstera Karstenianum Variegated


Monstera karstenianum is found in the wild in the northern parts of tropical South America but it is by no means common. It has a fairly long stem which means it can be grown as a hanging plant or as a climber against a cane. The deep green leaves are ridged which gives them a wavy appearance.

494 in stock

SKU: SKU-6672-1-2-2-2-2-1 Category: Tags: ,



    This plants best in bright, filtered sun. They are not suitable for living in harsh and direct sunlight. If exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the leaves of the plant can burn.
    Watering is done regularly. adjust to media conditions. Avoid watering until it causes puddles of water around the plant. Make sure not to water too little or too much. Inadequate watering can cause leaf tips to dry out, while excessive watering causes root rot and can cause plant death.
    Due to its tropical nature, this plant does not like extreme temperatures. The ideal temperature range is 15 – 28° C with humidity around 65%, this plant likes porous media but still retains moisture. Make sure the pot has good drainage so that there is no puddle at the bottom of the pot
  • Size > Medium

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Jenis Tanaman



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