Hoya Albiflora
- Beautiful 50mm wide, cup-shaped flowers in pure white. Approximately 20 flowers per umbel. incredibly powerful musk aroma. last up to ten days.
494 in stock
Only bright light and water, maybe once every month or so, when the leaves start to get soft. Hoyas produce tendrils, which should be handled gently because they are where new leaves develop and are easily broken. - WATER
Hoya will need average watering but make sure to water it regularly, specifically in summer and spring. - CARE TIPS
Hoya prefers to remain root-bound rather than being repotted every year. Hoya Caudata will produce more blooms if you leave it in the same pot for a few years. - Size
> Medium > 3-4 leaf > more than 10cm height
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Jenis Tanaman | Alocasia |
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